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Engine RN CLI Reference

This command reference applies if your platform uses engine engine-rn.

More info at Engine RN Guide


Run your app on target device or emulator

Supported Platforms:

ios, tvos, android, androidtv, firetv, androidwear


rnv run


-i, --info - Show full debug Info

--ci - CI/CD flag so it wont ask questions

--mono - Monochrome console output without chalk

--maxErrorLength - Specify how many characters each error should display. Default 200

-o, --only - run Only top command (Skip dependencies)

-r, --reset - also perform reset of platform build

-R, --resetHard - also perform reset of platform platform and platform assets

-e, --engine - engine to be used (next)

-a, --resetAssets - also perform reset of platform assets

-c, --appConfigID - select specific app Config id

-s, --scheme - select build Scheme

-p, --platform - select specific Platform

-t, --target - select specific Target device/simulator

-d, --device - select connected Device

--hosted - Run in a hosted environment (skip budleAssets)

-P, --port - custom Port

-D, --debug - enable or disable remote debugger.

--debugIp - (optional) overwrite the ip to which the remote debugger will connect

--skipTargetCheck - Skip Android target check, just display the raw adb devices to choose from

-H, --host - custom Host ip

This command reference applies if your platform uses engine engine-rn.

More info at undefined Guide


Package source files into bundle

Supported Platforms:

ios, tvos, android, androidtv, firetv, androidwear


rnv package


-i, --info - Show full debug Info

--ci - CI/CD flag so it wont ask questions

--mono - Monochrome console output without chalk

--maxErrorLength - Specify how many characters each error should display. Default 200

-o, --only - run Only top command (Skip dependencies)

-r, --reset - also perform reset of platform build

-R, --resetHard - also perform reset of platform platform and platform assets

-e, --engine - engine to be used (next)

-a, --resetAssets - also perform reset of platform assets

-c, --appConfigID - select specific app Config id

-s, --scheme - select build Scheme

-p, --platform - select specific Platform

This command reference applies if your platform uses engine engine-rn.

More info at undefined Guide


Build project binary

Supported Platforms:

ios, tvos, android, androidtv, androidwear


rnv build


-i, --info - Show full debug Info

--ci - CI/CD flag so it wont ask questions

--mono - Monochrome console output without chalk

--maxErrorLength - Specify how many characters each error should display. Default 200

-o, --only - run Only top command (Skip dependencies)

-r, --reset - also perform reset of platform build

-R, --resetHard - also perform reset of platform platform and platform assets

-e, --engine - engine to be used (next)

-a, --resetAssets - also perform reset of platform assets

-c, --appConfigID - select specific app Config id

-s, --scheme - select build Scheme

-p, --platform - select specific Platform

This command reference applies if your platform uses engine engine-rn.

More info at undefined Guide


Configure current project

Supported Platforms:

ios, tvos, android, androidtv, firetv, androidwear


rnv configure


-i, --info - Show full debug Info

--ci - CI/CD flag so it wont ask questions

--mono - Monochrome console output without chalk

--maxErrorLength - Specify how many characters each error should display. Default 200

-o, --only - run Only top command (Skip dependencies)

-r, --reset - also perform reset of platform build

-R, --resetHard - also perform reset of platform platform and platform assets

-e, --engine - engine to be used (next)

-a, --resetAssets - also perform reset of platform assets

-c, --appConfigID - select specific app Config id

-s, --scheme - select build Scheme

-p, --platform - select specific Platform

This command reference applies if your platform uses engine engine-rn.

More info at undefined Guide


Starts bundler / server

Supported Platforms:

ios, tvos, android, androidtv, firetv, androidwear


rnv start


-i, --info - Show full debug Info

--ci - CI/CD flag so it wont ask questions

--mono - Monochrome console output without chalk

--maxErrorLength - Specify how many characters each error should display. Default 200

-o, --only - run Only top command (Skip dependencies)

-r, --reset - also perform reset of platform build

-R, --resetHard - also perform reset of platform platform and platform assets

-e, --engine - engine to be used (next)

-a, --resetAssets - also perform reset of platform assets

-c, --appConfigID - select specific app Config id

-s, --scheme - select build Scheme

-p, --platform - select specific Platform

This command reference applies if your platform uses engine engine-rn.

More info at undefined Guide


Export the app into deployable binary

Supported Platforms:

ios, tvos, android, androidtv, firetv, androidwear


rnv export


-i, --info - Show full debug Info

--ci - CI/CD flag so it wont ask questions

--mono - Monochrome console output without chalk

--maxErrorLength - Specify how many characters each error should display. Default 200

-o, --only - run Only top command (Skip dependencies)

-r, --reset - also perform reset of platform build

-R, --resetHard - also perform reset of platform platform and platform assets

-e, --engine - engine to be used (next)

-a, --resetAssets - also perform reset of platform assets

-c, --appConfigID - select specific app Config id

-s, --scheme - select build Scheme

-p, --platform - select specific Platform

This command reference applies if your platform uses engine engine-rn.

More info at undefined Guide


Deploy the binary via selected deployment intgeration or buld hook

Supported Platforms:

ios, tvos, android, androidtv, firetv, androidwear


rnv deploy


-i, --info - Show full debug Info

--ci - CI/CD flag so it wont ask questions

--mono - Monochrome console output without chalk

--maxErrorLength - Specify how many characters each error should display. Default 200

-o, --only - run Only top command (Skip dependencies)

-r, --reset - also perform reset of platform build

-R, --resetHard - also perform reset of platform platform and platform assets

-e, --engine - engine to be used (next)

-a, --resetAssets - also perform reset of platform assets

-c, --appConfigID - select specific app Config id

-s, --scheme - select build Scheme

-p, --platform - select specific Platform

This command reference applies if your platform uses engine engine-rn.

More info at undefined Guide


Debug your app on target device or emulator

Supported Platforms:

ios, android, firetv, androidtv, androidwear, web, webtv, tizen, tizenmobile, tvos, webos, macos, windows, tizenwatch, kaios, firefoxos, firefoxtv, chromecast


rnv debug


-i, --info - Show full debug Info

--ci - CI/CD flag so it wont ask questions

--mono - Monochrome console output without chalk

--maxErrorLength - Specify how many characters each error should display. Default 200

-o, --only - run Only top command (Skip dependencies)

This command reference applies if your platform uses engine engine-rn.

More info at undefined Guide

crypto installCerts

Supported Platforms:

ios, android, firetv, androidtv, androidwear, web, webtv, tizen, tizenmobile, tvos, webos, macos, windows, tizenwatch, kaios, firefoxos, firefoxtv, chromecast


rnv crypto installCerts


-i, --info - Show full debug Info

--ci - CI/CD flag so it wont ask questions

--mono - Monochrome console output without chalk

--maxErrorLength - Specify how many characters each error should display. Default 200

-o, --only - run Only top command (Skip dependencies)

This command reference applies if your platform uses engine engine-rn.

More info at undefined Guide

crypto updateProfile

Update provisioning profile

Supported Platforms:

ios, tvos


rnv crypto updateProfile


-i, --info - Show full debug Info

--ci - CI/CD flag so it wont ask questions

--mono - Monochrome console output without chalk

--maxErrorLength - Specify how many characters each error should display. Default 200

-o, --only - run Only top command (Skip dependencies)

This command reference applies if your platform uses engine engine-rn.

More info at undefined Guide

crypto updateProfiles

Supported Platforms:

ios, android, firetv, androidtv, androidwear, web, webtv, tizen, tizenmobile, tvos, webos, macos, windows, tizenwatch, kaios, firefoxos, firefoxtv, chromecast


rnv crypto updateProfiles


-i, --info - Show full debug Info

--ci - CI/CD flag so it wont ask questions

--mono - Monochrome console output without chalk

--maxErrorLength - Specify how many characters each error should display. Default 200

-o, --only - run Only top command (Skip dependencies)

This command reference applies if your platform uses engine engine-rn.

More info at undefined Guide

crypto installProfiles

Supported Platforms:

ios, android, firetv, androidtv, androidwear, web, webtv, tizen, tizenmobile, tvos, webos, macos, windows, tizenwatch, kaios, firefoxos, firefoxtv, chromecast


rnv crypto installProfiles


-i, --info - Show full debug Info

--ci - CI/CD flag so it wont ask questions

--mono - Monochrome console output without chalk

--maxErrorLength - Specify how many characters each error should display. Default 200

-o, --only - run Only top command (Skip dependencies)

This command reference applies if your platform uses engine engine-rn.

More info at undefined Guide


Attach logger to device or emulator and print out logs

Supported Platforms:

ios, tvos, android, androidtv, firetv, androidwear


rnv log


-i, --info - Show full debug Info

--ci - CI/CD flag so it wont ask questions

--mono - Monochrome console output without chalk

--maxErrorLength - Specify how many characters each error should display. Default 200

-o, --only - run Only top command (Skip dependencies)
