Currently v1.8
ReNative allows you to bootstrap, develop and deploy apps for mobile, web, TVs, desktops, consoles, wearables and more via a single development environment.
npx rnv new
Supported frameworks
Bootstrap and build apps fast
rnv new
Target any major platform
rnv run -p <PLATFORM>
Extendable by community plugins
ReNative supports standard community driven react native plugins you can use to enhance the functionality of your apps.
rnv plugin add @flexn/create
rnv plugin add @flexn/sdk
rnv plugin add @lightningjs/cli
rnv plugin add @reach/router
rnv plugin add @react-navigation
rnv plugin add @reduxjs/toolkit
Scalable configurations
Tired of setting up and managing countless of various projects? You can go as simple as most basic json config file to get yourself up and running.
"platforms": {},
"plugins": {}
Powerful CLI
rnv CLI is your entry point and control centre to building multi-platform apps with just a few commands to learn.
rnv --help
Minimalistic runtime
ReNative runtime, an NPM dependency, streamlines UI and feature development for diverse platforms and devices.
import { isPlatformTizen, isFactorTv, engine, platform } from "renative";
Supercharged frameworks
ReNative supports popular front-end frameworks like React, React Native, NextJS, Electron
Build hooks
Sometimes you need to extend CLI functionality with custom build scripts. ReNative makes this easy for you.
import chalk from 'chalk';
const hooks = {
hello: c =>
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
console.log(`\n${chalk.yellow('HELLO FROM BUILD HOOKS!')}\n`);
const pipes = {};
export { pipes, hooks };
Powerful templates
ReNative allows you to build powerful multi-platform bootstrap templates.
rnv new
? What's your project Name? (folder will be created) hello-renative
? What workspace to use? rnv
? What template to use? @rnv/template-starter
? What @rnv/template-starter version to use? 1.8.0 (@latest)
? How to create config renative.json? Extend template (cleaner, overridable)
? What's your project Title? My Renative App
? What's your App ID? com.mycompany.hellorenative
? What's your project version? 0.1.0
? What platforms would you like to use? web, ios, android
? Do you want to set-up git in your new project? Yes
ReNative supports integration for various services and deployment infrastructures for your apps.
Used by

npx rnv new